miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014


Homosexuality is a sexual orientation that is defined as the interaction or sexual, affective, emotional and sentimental attraction to the same sex.

The term homophobia refers to the obsessive aversion to homosexual men or women, but generally also to the other people who make sexual diversity is included, as is the case for bisexual or transgender people, and those commonly held attitudes or habits associated with the other sex, as metrosexuals.

People who feel attracted to the same sex are not sick, they are not rare, they are not different, they find love in another person, like everyone else, and while this couple this good, nothing else is matters. We do not have to believe us more than them, we have the same rights and are equal people.
 'We are lucky' because more and more people are more aware of that and have been many achievements in the last years, since a same-sex couple can marry until they can adopt.

And now,what can happens if the world was upside down? 

1 comentario:

  1. Hello.

    It's incredible who this topic can affect in people's lifes.
    The video shows us the problems that we can cause while we are abasing people who are not such as us. Maybe a person who is your friend or your familiar is in this situation and you will have to help him/her... Will you reject him/her only because he/she is different from you? I think this would be stupid.
    My sister likes black chocolate whereas I like white chocolate... My best friend likes colourful trousers while I like dark trousers... there are some examples of differences between people who are next to me nowadays and I will always love them without exceptions.

    Good night.
