viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

Trabajar como guía- intérprete: Mediador por Mª Virginia Barbado

6 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. It really has been a fantastic job! My partner Maria Virginia has achieved excited with their effort and dedication to this work. It's amazing the world in a deaf-blind person. I admire people who are able to help these people with difficulty. It is a very sacrificing work. I had heard of these communication systems in the world of deaf-blind but know is much more amazing! All my admiration and respect for these people who struggle every day

  3. I loved the work of Virginia since has worked hard to do, I really love the work you do to help these people making them, as a relative of mine happened a similar thing and needs much help.

  4. I think that Virginia has done a very good work with this exposition. I have learned some new things that I haven't known and I think that they are very interesting because I have been always interested in this type of things. Also I think that the material that she has given to us is so original and I will keep it very well.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. The project of our mate Virginia has been very interesting also, not only it has defined the treated terms, and not everything has been to read the text of the slate, but it has demonstrated us since her itself can write in braille or since the blind persons are orientated in the real world, together with Maite. It has been something more physical and different, slightly more original.
