jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

Jobs inside of fútbol by Manuel Barbado

12 comentarios:

  1. Hello, i think this job is good because explain the parts and jobs that have the football, It has helped me to know how many people can work on the organization of a team

  2. Hello, i think this job is good because explain the parts and jobs that have the football, It has helped me to know how many people can work on the organization of a team

  3. This is a very well presentation,I love football and it learn me many different types of jobs in the world of football.

  4. This work was a very didactical job

  5. This work was a very didactical job

  6. In my opinion it is a great job, because it shows us different areas of family are united in the football world. I find it very interesting and above all we must appreciate the great effort that Manuel has done in this oral presentation. Especially me I loved because I love football and I interest this.

  7. when someone says football we think immediately in the football players, but there are many people behind each match, many people that are related to the football world. There are the coach, the referee, the president, the physiotherapist, the caregiver lawn, the box-office, the person that record the match and the security guard. To be related to the football world you do no have to be necessary a supportive person, you could be many things. Football have many work behind it.

  8. In the football world there are many jobs, if you like football, one of these jobs is the best and can have good pay, but most important is to be happy with your work

  9. wow I had no idea of all the work behind the football before watching this presentation.
    Now for my football it is more important because it employs many people with very different specialties , from the coach, the players like security guards and cameras also, the physiotherapists.

    Now I know that behind every football match there is the work of many people

  10. wow I had no idea of all the work behind the football before watching this presentation.
    Now for my football it is more important because it employs many people with very different specialties , from the coach, the players like security guards and cameras also, the physiotherapists.

    Now I know that behind every football match there is the work of many people

  11. For Manuel's presentation, under my top of sight, we have learned to value works that they have to see with the football (Even some of they of them were not even known strictly between ourselves) and have learned to value them so much like to there know exactly which is the daily work of each one. Every day are learned slightly newly.

  12. For Manuel's presentation, under my top of sight, we have learned to value works that they have to see with the football (Even some of they of them were not even known strictly between ourselves) and have learned to value them so much like to there know exactly which is the daily work of each one. Every day are learned slightly newly.
