martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Manipulation through ads

9 comentarios:

  1. hello! I am really surprise with the video, it is very impressive how women and the people is obsess with the appearance and in fact it doesn´t matter because a person is important in the interior. The advertisements only do lots of damages because young girls and women grow wanting been like the models that are too thin and it is a serious healthy problem .
    See you soon!

  2. Hi!!

    I think like Rosario, I really surprised with the video, I knew they did them touches to the models, but I didn't know that practically they changed the entire look of the girl. This is a manipulation in every way! Not only in appearance but also in the message they want to convey, as it is all superficial. And then the girls (in this case) want to look at these retouched girls.
    I am against these manipulations!

    See you on class!

  3. Hello everybody!

    As we see with MªCarmen in the class, this photo shows, how a computer programme can change completely the face and the body of a woman. A normal woman is transformed into a perfect woman who is an artificial one. This can be a manipulation for the women of the world for encouraging them to make for example estetic operations to look more pretty. But these women have to know that they are pretty exactkctly how they are, and don't need any change. The people who see for example magazines in which appear these photographies think that this woman is beautiful and they want to be like that perfect woman. And this is a manipulation, and in my opinion this is a very bad thing and peolple have to think twice after watch these photos and to know that these women are artificials.

    See you in class on Monday!

  4. This is surprising, as the person of the magazines to reality, the Photoshop can do incredible things, but we always have to think that the person we see in a magazine is not perfect like us to believe.
    See you soon!

  5. This is surprising, as the person of the magazines to reality, the Photoshop can do incredible things, but we always have to think that the person we see in a magazine is not perfect like us to believe.
    See you soon!

  6. I think it's incredible and suprising how the people can change their appearance in the real life and in the ads, because they think we want to see perfect people. I think it would be better to see a normal woman to a perfect woman, because the perfect person doesn't exist, for me.

  7. I'm very surprised too, I think that it makes a person perfect, and nobody can be perfect. I don't like it, each person is different and isn't perfect, and I'm against this manipulation.

  8. Hello, in my opinion this type of manipulation is very usual so I am not surprised. I think that we can see this manipulation in a lot of places like in the TV, in the magazines, in photos... I am against of manipulation because I think that no one is perfect and they must not show perfect bodies or faces because they don't exist and they improve problems in girls and even boys who want to be perfect.

  9. Hi.
    Related to this video, I Think that it get us an imaginary imagen that is impossible to reach, but it make us the think that we can reach this imagen, and they sold us their products that they say that their product will make us like the imagen of the woman, and there are some differences between men and women, these last are required more physical so that they reach a top beauty.
