jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

Human complexes.

When we talk about complexes we refer to a "complexed" person or suffering from "psychical complexes" when presented a marked disagreement with one or several physical or mental aspects of yourself.
            These complexes rarely have to do with the individual's reality and really is the person that has exaggerated this complex and has given paramount importance.
            Many of these complexes appear in childhood and are reinforced and maintained over the years. The person lacks the capacity to interpret this defect more objectively and is enclosed in a negativity that does not exist for the rest of the world.


Believe I am ugly, or clumsy or dull, we will bring many problems of long-term integration as our interpersonal relationships will suffer for it. A person is considered "dull", will behave as such, everyone will see and labeled for life.
Maybe it was when I was little dull -for being shy or other issues- but people evolve and we have no reason to keep the prototype imposed on us as children. Of course it is an individual and personal work that does not happen.

                                                                Types of complexes:

-Complex Hagar and Sarah

Male or insconciente tendency to classify women into two groups: the good, pure and untouchable in the likeness of the mother; and bad, suitable for sexual satisfaction, but unworthy of love.

-Achilles complex:

Tendency to hide their own weakness, impotence or homosexuality under the guise of invulnerability or heroism.

-Complex Brunilda

Trend young to want to see her boyfriend a superman or a hero.

(there are many kinds of complexes apart from these.)

Sometimes the fault of the complexes makes people fall in like illness like anorexy or bulimy.

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