martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

8 tips for managers

27 comentarios:

  1. Those situations are real and this happens everyday, we must put those solutions in practice and do it. Women must be treated like men in all jobs.

  2. This situation is more diffucult than the situations who eas explained in the text because the solution wasn´t be thinking by he companies and they only think in the money no in men and women.
    In conclusion only the goverment can convert this situation in equal but the companies canlose a lot of money in this process.

  3. Currently these situations happen in everyday life. I think that men and women should have equal rigths.

  4. The incorporation of women into the workplace remains a growing process for several decades, but reality shows that full to all social and economic integration is considerably lacking. The data show us how women have not yet been built, to the same extent as men, how their contracts are the deficit and how their pay is less for work of equal value. The issue of economic compensation is one of the most controversial issues regarding labor differences between men and women.
    The wages of women are lower than those received by men. Their remuneration is generally 20% lower than that of men. In addition as age increases, the wage gap also increase. The reasons for these wage differentials are different: differences in the professions and jobs developed by men and women, unequal access to managerial positions, differences by sector of ownership, wage discrimination ...In my opinion, the women and men should have equal protection of rights and freedom and that all are equal.

  5. This issue is very difficult because the woman but long ago came to the world of work does not have the same working conditions as men as economic payment in the same work as a man

  6. This situation happen everday. We need to have a solution quickly because in the future it's can be a serious problem for all women in the world. Womens and mens have to be equal under the law.

  7. Like this presentation show to us, women have been always underestimated in front of men in the field of work, at the same than in the others fields of life because of machismo principally, even if this situation is each time lower due to actual society. We can see here many situations of real life that usually happen in offices, and very good solutions that we could apply to make them more equal for both men and women. Unfortunately, they aren't taken because of money. Business people tend to think more in benefits than in working equal conditions because they spend a lot of money in their businesses and it's normal that they want to recuperate it. And I understand them. If I were they, I would do the same. In my opinion, the solution that we should take would be to convince the government to change the working conditions of all companies, so women would have equal conditions than men and business people wouldn't lose money. What it's clear is that what it's shown here happen everywhere and we have to collaborate to end with it.

  8. This situation is happening today, it is often given more importance and prominence to men than women. In this presentation we can see many situations that happen in offices, ... and we can also see some solutions that can be taken to change these conditions. And in my opinion, it is the best solution.

  9. With this presentation we can see the situation faced by thousands of people in Spain, possibly not know about this. As the woman is below the man at the time of work and many other situations; that there is machismo, because even if a woman working the same hours as a man gets paid less. There are many projects carried out to improve this problem, but the first step is to change our way of thinking, why the woman is below man.
    Large companies prefer to hire a man rather than a woman. In my opinion women should be treated the same as men in terms of pay, working hours, working at home ... We have the same rights and obligations. We must end these problems that many women suffer daily.

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. The major obstacle facing women in the workplace is that it is very difficult to access male jobs and if they get it, find it hard climb to higher levels.This discrimination which is trying to improve, presents situations where women are unable to use their skills. We can see in this presentation, a lot of situations that happen usually in real life, and very good solutions that we could carry out for get a equal conditions in all workplaces, but we life in a society in which business people only gives importance to money. The problem is that: Business people work very hard and spend a lot of money in their businesses and they want to obtain benefits, so they only think get them, they don't think in a equal work conditions or who is impaired. In my opinion,all women must demonstrate that we are able to do any work as a man, we must forget the roles marked by society and establish equal working conditions for both genders. The government is us (society) and if we want to get something we must do everything possible to get it.

  12. In the presentation "8 tips for managers", we can address an issue that we have previously discussed in class. We can see how women, even being in the twenty-first century and although there are people who do not want to admit it (called chauvinistic people), it is believed that man is superior to woman, so, when a man is related to today's society is more likely than a woman. A clear example is at work. Why do we believe to be a builder is the work of a man? Do you really believe that when a job has more right to acquire that job a man instead of a woman? In today's society is so think, even in Spain, compared to other countries, this "problem" has been decreasing over the years. Today there are people working in the same office salary acquire more or less depending on your gender. Why do we value more male than female performance? Why women's valuation is less valued? Let each do our bit trying to make a change in the minds of those people so that we can create a world in which both men and women have equal rights and duties.

  13. This is the comment of Nuria Sánchez, but I'm uploading it because she has a problem with her computer:

    This presentation show the great inequallity between men and women. This has been true over many years, althought this attempt to change, we can see (in this presentation) that most of these situations occur in the office or at work. Also below we show how we can change these situations so that there is an equality.
    I think that this may improve or even eliminated, but it is not the task of one or even a group of people, but all together, we can achieve that equality that is costing all women.

  14. Unfortunately these situations are currently occurring , they are part of everyday life . I think women and men should have the same rights.

  15. Unfortunately these situations are currently occurring , they are part of everyday life . I think women and men should have the same rights.

  16. People want the equality but with cases like this, we can see that we are still in inequality. In this case is obvious that men have many advantages in comparation with women. There are many people that think that women can't make the same things that men, women are still understimate by the society. Companies are not interested in equality because it cause a waste of money. I think that many people know the solution but nobody wnat to act.

  17. The presentation shows us the everyday of women in the world of the work, many people is trying to change it,that the world became more equal but it will never happen because women has one thing that men don't have, women give birth. We can see in the presentation there are many solution to solve it. The companies prefer contract a men because can't be pregnant this is the best thing that companies don't choose the women.
    I think that we have to change it, that all people must have the same right and duty.

  18. Women have fought along the history to have the same rights as men, although in most of them are underestimated when they face to men. In the past, women didn't have the chance to work in a factory or in a company like men, nowadays we can work whereever we choose, but are women really treated like men in the working world? The answer is NO, absolutely! As we can see in this useful presentation, at present women must face to many hard situations in their jobs. The way of thinking of many people is like that: "There are jobs that are for men and others that are only for women", don't allow the majority of women to use their qualities and their skills. If a woman wants to be a builder, why cannot she be a builder? From my point of view, it is a nonsence, women and men should have the same rights. In this presentation we can see only some of the problems that women have to get over while they are working with men. There are some amazing solutions that the presentation gives to us. I mean, bosses must think about these solutions and put them in practice because I ask a question: What is more important for you: money or equal working conditions? I strongly believe that the second, of course! In addition, I also belive that the solution to this problem is a work of all citizens, so it depends on you, isn't it?

  19. This video called ''8tips for managers'', in which we talked the day before in class.Machismo has been reflected in many aspects of social life differently. ( An example might be in some countries that denied the right to vote to women . Another example might be in some countries where adultery is still punishes woman with the death penalty , when men do not correspond to the same penalty . )
    So I think that men can not be so macho with women, because we are all people like them even if we have different devices do not need to be treated that way .I also like that there were no more.

  20. "We overestimate male performance and underestimate female performance"
    This is the reality in the world of the job. People always think wrong because of the stereotypes and the machismo, this means that when you talk about women, you think she's kind, useless because she doesn't have the courage and the determination necessary for this job, but, how can you know if that is true? women, to reach that work, had have to study the same than men,so both are in the same situation, so people don't have the right to judge women. Other important fact is that there are different types of people, some women are more stricts, others more kind...and this also happen to men, the stereotypes cheap us. Women can also be prepare to work efficiently.
    "Women become pregnant". This is also a "negative" aspect for the women, because people, when they are going to hire someone, always think in the benefits, so they doesn't contract them...but when they think: "now that she have a child she work less", why don't they think the same for men? Men can also look after the child.
    The world of the job is very cruel with the women, we say that machismo is over in this century, but we are wrong, and this is ridiculous, because we are in a modern age, now we have a more open mind, we are intelligent people so, why isn't machismo over yet? We have the power to change it. We can do it for the future.

  21. This presentation shows that women have never been treated like men at work.
    Although we believe that there is no machismo always there and it's going to be but we don´t realize. There is always machismo, even with very simple things.
    In business, women and men are never equal, are always the men who earn more, other women are always underestimate.
    In cases of private companies a level playing field between men and women is lower because the employer is more interested.
    Because you are a woman doesn´t mean you have to be cleaner, or in the case of men bricklayer. Work is for all people regardless of gender,because both are qualified, in my opinion these are the stereotypes that we have to end and awareness mainly people from the beginning. The presentation shows some solutions, but what we need to do is apply them to every day

  22. HI! I'm Maria Elena, I think that this presentation is very interesting because the women have never treated like men at work. The world of the job is very cruel with the women, companies aren't interested in equality because it cause a waste of money. I think that many people know the solution but nobody want to act.This situation is happening today, it is often given more importance and prominence to men than women. In this presentation we can see many situations that happen in offices, ... and we can also see some solutions that can be taken to change these conditions, I think that is the best solution. We can change the machismo !! WE CAN!


  23. This comment is Maria Jose Ortiz Ocaña.
    I think it is an injustice that today in the century in which we live there are still abuse and sexist things.

  24. It is a situation that happend everyday, I'm not agree with this type of situations, but now it's impossible to solve it, I support womens that fight against that and I think that if we help to solve this problem, in the future we'll get equality

  25. Francisco Serrano26 de mayo de 2016, 13:51

    This presentation show us a lot of examples a lot of tips for managers that can help us to understand that industry better, very interesting

  26. In this presentation we can see the discrimination that women suffer, this coulb be prohibited because women are the same rigths and rules that men, I totally disagree with it because women should have the same salary that men because they do the same work.Today women figth against this situation because they want to be treated like men

  27. In this presentation we can see the discrimination that women suffer, this coulb be prohibited because women are the same rigths and rules that men, I totally disagree with it because women should have the same salary that men because they do the same work.Today women figth against this situation because they want to be treated like men
