jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

Human complexes.

When we talk about complexes we refer to a "complexed" person or suffering from "psychical complexes" when presented a marked disagreement with one or several physical or mental aspects of yourself.
            These complexes rarely have to do with the individual's reality and really is the person that has exaggerated this complex and has given paramount importance.
            Many of these complexes appear in childhood and are reinforced and maintained over the years. The person lacks the capacity to interpret this defect more objectively and is enclosed in a negativity that does not exist for the rest of the world.


Believe I am ugly, or clumsy or dull, we will bring many problems of long-term integration as our interpersonal relationships will suffer for it. A person is considered "dull", will behave as such, everyone will see and labeled for life.
Maybe it was when I was little dull -for being shy or other issues- but people evolve and we have no reason to keep the prototype imposed on us as children. Of course it is an individual and personal work that does not happen.

                                                                Types of complexes:

-Complex Hagar and Sarah

Male or insconciente tendency to classify women into two groups: the good, pure and untouchable in the likeness of the mother; and bad, suitable for sexual satisfaction, but unworthy of love.

-Achilles complex:

Tendency to hide their own weakness, impotence or homosexuality under the guise of invulnerability or heroism.

-Complex Brunilda

Trend young to want to see her boyfriend a superman or a hero.

(there are many kinds of complexes apart from these.)

Sometimes the fault of the complexes makes people fall in like illness like anorexy or bulimy.

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015


1.- What is a manipulation?
Manipulation is the control that an individual or group of individuals trying to take control of the feelings of another person or group of people, using techniques of persuasion or eliminate the critical capabilities of a person, his ability to judge.

Extreme forms of manipulation would be, for example, brainwashing or those which lead to suicide.

2.- The profile of the manipulator
The manipulator is sure that everything should be like him and think other people should help him to do this. The word "should" is the center of any manipulation.
These rules prevent the manipulator take the place of the other person. To achieve its objectives, the manipulator will implement various strategies, one of which is the critical, threat (amenaza) and guilt (culpa).

3.- The manipulated
The person who is a victim of manipulation always do something to defend it or deflect criticism, this will be an incentive for the manipulator proceed.
In many cases to avoid being criticized or threatened, manipulated person will do what the manipulator asks just to eliminate criticism and feeds the other's actions and helps keep your attitude. In other words, if the manipulator gets what he wants with a series of strategies, it is clear that repeated in the future, because it will have been useful to achieve its objectives.

4.- How to detect if you are being manipulated by someone else?
1.-The best thing to detect it is stopping to think what they are feeling in the presence of the other, if you feel guilt (culpa), fear (miedo), insecurity, disgust (asco), shame (vergüenza), probably we are being manipulated.
2.-Another way to tell is asking if what you are doing at that moment is what you wanted to do, if this is not true is that these jumping your principles and values by someone, that someone who is detected and that will have your
Emotional blackmail (chantaje emocional) can take different forms. The key is to provoke a mixture of fear, obligation and guilt.

Emotional blackmail:
Punishment: For example: "If you do not come with me today, you do not expect that tomorrow I will go with you".
The self-punishment: "If you don't love me, life doesn't make sense to me, so I leave me".
The promises: "If you keep me, I promise I'll change and we will be happy."
Become the victim: "If you not come to see me, I'll alone all the day."
Give to receive: "Because I helped you I deserve (merecer) something in return."

5.- Escape from the trap
If someone sends you a trap like: "You don't have to come. you have a lot of work and, overall, I always alone. "
One way to remove the manipulative traps is to make them explicit, verbalize what is expressed indirectly. If we do as accusation, saying for example: "What you really want is that I go with you and for that you make me feel guilty", it is easy to disprove by the other side or answer there as a greater indictment.

We must learn to properly to clarify misunderstandings (malentendido) or confusing situations.
Manipulations cease to have power over us if we recognize ourselves what we are, and the other person express how he/she feels.
You can say, for example: "I am divided. On the one hand you tell me not to come, but then I get the impression that if I do not do this, this bother you (te fastidiará). Tell me what you really want and I'll see what I can do. "

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

Working from home

Answer the questions with a partner.

1) Can you name any jobs which are often carried on from home?

2) What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of working from home?

12 characterisitcs of a horrible boss

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015


What is a human relationship? 

A human relationship is a feeling or link between people, for example, the relationship between mother and son, the different connections or dealings that the people have. 

But, exactly I'm going to talk about these relations at work.

At work, there are differents relationship, it depend:

* The employee-boss' relationship: is the most important relation in a company, the boss have to supervise the work of his employee. It is vital these relationships that can generate the environment and motivation for a positive job performance. Also, these relations reflect the good performance of companies.

* The employee-employee's relationship: it is also important to have a good relation between employees, to show a good work in group. These relations can reflect the resolution of a common problem or the collaboration of all the employee in the company.

In other cases, depending of the job, we can find *The employee-client's relationship: these relationships are the key point to finish the job, a good relationship with the client allows the client to accept what is offered, and come back and show a good image for the company to promote the product.

Another point that I want to talk about is that, as you know the past 8th of March was the women's day, because of this, I want to comment about the role and relations of the women at work, because all of us know that there are many differences between women and men.

The relationships of the women at work are difficults because of the belive that they can't be as the other employees.
Now, there are less the cases in which the women earn less that the men, but it still continue.
The relation between boss and women sometimes are hard due to the behaviour of the boss over the women to decided her homeworks inside the company.
But with the colaboration of all can solve these problems and improve the relations between women and her jobs. Step by step.

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015


Human relationships is a relation between people; ("relationship" is often used where relation would serve, as in the relationship between inflation and unemployment, but the preferred usage of relationship is for human relations or states of relatedness)


  • Family relations: without place to doubt it is the first place where we learn to relate, how communicated, and family interaction occurs will influence the way we relate with others people.

  • School relations: The school teaches subjects for our intellectual development in our daily lives, it also shows us our first social relations. After reaching age to enter preschool, school becomes second in importance to establish human relationships, that's where learned practiced earlier in our family circle. In school we learn to respect others people. We also learn to live together for the first time with people, children, teachers, and that is where tolerance and respect is practiced.

  • Friendly relations: the school is a place where there can be lasting friends, also there exist good friends that we have near to the place where we live. The friendship there enters the respect, the tolerance, the acceptance so much of one himself as of other and the confidence.

  • Relationships in the workplace: Labor relations are those established as its name suggests, in the workplace. These relationships are characterized to involved there in two important roles, boss or employer, business owner or director of the same and employees or workers, this relationship is regulated by contracts work, responsibilities, duties, workers' rights and wages.

  • Couple relations: Without place to doubt one of the relations important in the life of a person as well as the relationship family, is established with your partner. In this type of relationships, trust, respect and tolerance are factors extremely important.   

 This is how the different types of human relationships are explained, which can exist or at least those that are considered more present in society. We must take into account that always influence them respect and tolerance, as well such as education, family values and coexistence. 

There are other types of human relationships:


Are those in which it treats the person as it really is, not by function or because we provide a service.

-The Relationship of a couple.
-The Family relationships.


Are those that are given in terms of a profit.

  - Doctor - patient relationships
  - Customer - engineer.
  - Teacher - student

martes, 3 de marzo de 2015


Research by governments in Australia led to a universal definition for that country which appears to be the only research-based definition not to use diagnostic criteria: "Problem gambling is characterized by many difficulties in limiting money and/or time spent on gambling which leads to adverse consequences for the gambler, others, or for the community." The University of Maryland Medical Center defines pathological gambling as "being unable to resist impulses to gamble, which can lead to severe personal or social consequences".
Most other definitions of problem gambling can usually be simplified to any gambling that causes harm to the gambler or someone else in any way; however, these definitions are usually coupled with descriptions of the type of harm or the use of diagnostic criteria. The DSM-V has since reclassified Pathological Gambling as Gambling Disorder and has listed the disorder under Substance-related and Addictive Disorders rather than Impulse-Control Disorders. This is due to the symptomatology of the disorder resembling an addiction not dissimilar to that of substance-abuse. In order to be diagnosed, an individual must have at least four of the following symptoms in a 12-month period:
  1. Needs to gamble with increasing amounts of money in order to achieve the desired excitement.
  2. Is restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop gambling.
  3. Has made repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop gambling.
  4. Is often preoccupied with gambling (e.g., having persistent thoughts of reliving past gambling experiences, handicapping or planning the next venture, thinking of ways to get money with which to gamble).
  5. Often gambles when feeling distressed (e.g., helpless, guilty, anxious, depressed).
  6. After losing money gambling, often returns another day to get even (“chasing” one’s losses).
  7. Lies to conceal the extent of involvement with gambling.
  8. Has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of gambling.
  9. Relies on others to provide money to relieve desperate financial situations caused by gambling.
The gambling behavior must also not be better explained by a manic episode.
Finally, we're going to see a video here


The word "addiction" is often used to refer to any behaviour that is out of control in some way. People often describe themselves as being addicted.
The word is also often used to explain the experience of withdrawal when a substance or behaviour is removed or discontinued.
However, the presence of enjoyment or experiencing withdrawal, in themselves, necessarily does not imply addiction.

According to Savage, addiction is a primary, chronic, neurobiologic disease, with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors. . . . It is characterized by behaviors that include one or more of the following: impaired control over drug use, compulsive use, continued use despite harm, and craving.

Is there a simple way to define addiction?
Another way of describing addiction is the presence of the 4 C's:
·        Craving
·        Loss of Control of amount or frequency of use
·        Compulsion to use
·        Use despite Consequences.

People with addictions may use a variety of defence mechanisms to deflect criticism or to minimize the perceived consequences of their substance use. Use of these defence mechanisms is referred to as "denial."

For most people, playing video games is a regular part of the day.  It becomes an addiction when it starts to interfere with a person's relationships or their pursuit of other goals, 
1.1  Why are video games addictive?

Video Games are seductive! They allow players to behave very differently from their normal persona and allow people who often feel powerless in their daily lives, suddenly have the ability to command armies, drive (and crash) cars, and wreak havoc on a virtual world with no real-life consequences. 
1.2 Why Video Game Addiction is harmful?
Recently Video Game Addiction has been recognized as an illness by the International Medical Community.

Here are some symptoms of game addiction=
  • Most non-school hours are spent on the computer or playing video games
  • Falling asleep in school
  • Falling behind with assignments
  • Worsening grades
  • Lying about computer or video game use
  • Choosing to use the computer or play video games, rather than see friends
  • Dropping out of other social groups (clubs or sports)
  • Being irritable when not playing a video game or being on the computer

There also are physical symptoms that may point to addiction:
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Backaches or neck aches
  • Headaches
  • Dry eyes
  • Failure to eat regularly or neglecting personal hygiene


Gambling addiction, also known as compulsive gambling, is a type of impulse-control disorder. Compulsive gamblers can’t control the impulse to gamble, even when they know their gambling is hurting themselves or their loved ones. Gambling is all they can think about and all they want to do, no matter the consequences.
Gamblers can have a problem, however, without being totally out of control. Gambling Addiction is any gambling behavior that disrupts your life. If you’re preoccupied with gambling, spending more and more time and money on it, chasing losses, or gambling despite serious consequences, you have a gambling problem.

Now for finish we are going to watch this video.