martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

The dictatorships by Luz Mª Luceno

8 comentarios:

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  3. I really liked this work because we have studied on the subject of history. Moreover, LuZ María named important and historical characters such as Joseph Stalin and Franco. She has included images, maps, and a nice background for this presentation.
    In my opinion all dictatorships have negative aspects.
    I am going to include a video about the Franco dictatorship in Spain, I hope you enjoy it.

  4. I really liked this work because we have studied on the subject of history. Moreover, LuZ María named important and historical characters such as Joseph Stalin and Franco. She has included images, maps, and a nice background for this presentation.
    In my opinion all dictatorships have negative aspects.
    I am going to include a video about the Franco dictatorship in Spain, I hope you enjoy it.

  5. I liked it because he knew it very well and in Amb.S.L. on the subject six one path between two wars have seen Franco and I did not understand much English class and its tranajo if I understood very well, also looks great from my site.

  6. I liked it because he knew it very well and in Amb.S.L. on the subject six one path between two wars have seen Franco and I did not understand much English class and its tranajo if I understood very well, also looks great from my site.

  7. I liked it because he knew it very well and in Amb.S.L. on the subject six one path between two wars have seen Franco and I did not understand much English class and its tranajo if I understood very well, also looks great from my site.

  8. Luz Maria's project has been a tour for the past of the country, between others. The word has defined perfectly dictatorship and has showed us both advantages and disadvantages of living under a dictatorship. Also Franc has spoken to us about several leaders, between them.
