jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015


Hello, today I’m going to talk about one of the most consumed drugs in our society. Many people accompany their social activities with alcohol and it’s accepted as a pleasant support of relationships. This perception of alcohol has helped to extend their use, not only among adults but also among youth and teenagers, who start very early ages.
The main component of alcoholic drinks is ethanol, this is a central nervous system depressant and gradually numbs the brain and sensory functions.

It is sometimes mistaken for a stimulant because it initially produces euphoria and behavioral disinhibition. This is because that first affects the brain centers responsible for the self control, which leads to get carried away by the effects of the consumption of the substance.
Alcoholic drinks can be classified into two groups according to the preparation process: fermented drinks and distilled drinks.

Now, I’m going to talk about the big bottle in young people. The big bottle is group of people, generally young, that basically get together to drink alcohol. Each person puts some money in towards the drinks, they buy the alcohol and go somewhere to drink, laugh, and have fun.

They can be any size, from a couple of people to huge city wide events. Big bottle first started because of the exorbitant price of alcohol in bars and discos. It´s common to have a botellón before going out partying.
But the big bottle has some problems too. In the first place, neighbours living in the city centres complain because they cannot sleep due to the noise created and because they find their area full of rubbish the morning after.
The second problem is that under aged teenagers have access to alcohol because there is not anyone in the streets controlling what they drink.
Another big problem is that the streets are packed with drunk teenagers and this can bring about fights and acts of vandalism, which can, again, affect neighbours.

In my opinion, I think that the big bottle wouldn’t be a problem if young people controlled themselves drinking, without having so many problems with fights, vandalism, etc.

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