martes, 14 de enero de 2014


There many types of addictions, but you can't imagine the extrange addictions which some people carry out everyday; they aren't crazy. However, they can't stop doing these extranges things. Nowadays, there aren't a cure (sustance or action to stop a disease or addiction) to avoid these addictions that I'm going to name:


1) Addiction to eat toilet paper.

This is a strange addiction, although there are people who eat it every 3 minutes (like Kesha, the person of the video). This makes that Kesha can go to the toilet and she doesn't have problems of constipation because toilet paper contains fiber. 

2) Obsession for funerals.

The person who I'm going to talk is a man called Luis Squarisi. Since the death of his father, he says that is addicted to go to funerals; he likes it! He turns on the radio everyday to know if someone died during the night to can go to a funeral, he passes a good time in funerals, he feels happy and he isn't satanic or a bad person, it is only that he can't stop that addiction.  

3) Addiction to eat ash of cigarettes.

Smoking is a very bad addiction which can finish with your life. However, there something that is worse: to eat the ashes of cigarettes. Bianca is a person very strange, she eats it! He goes to ask for help to the waiters of bars everyday, she says to them that keep the ash of cigarettes in a small sack to can buy it later. She is totally crazy!

4) Addiction to eat rocks.

You can be thunderstruck, yes. It isn't impossible to eat rocks! The person of this video is addicted to eat rocks, it can sound strange. I recommend you to watch the video because it is very interesting the way which has this woman to eat their rocks: she breaks down the rocks with a hammer! She spends about 730 pounds a year buying rocks of different types. 

5) Addiction to eat soil (also called geophagy).

This type of addiction is really worrying because if you eat big quantities of soil you can catch a serious disease. However, many people eat soil; it is the most known addiction of the five I have named. Some people eat soil for cultural reasons and other people can eat soil because they are specials; they can absorb sustances of the soil such as phosphorus or sulphur. 

Finally, I want to suggest to you TWO QUESTIONS:

1- Talking of the woman who eats rocks... How much money the woman spend in a day buying rocks? 

2- Can you say me another curious addiction?

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello everybody!!
    Good post Javi, now I have to work hard in my post for upload something like that!! There are very strange people in our planet...

    1. She spend 2 euros in a day buying rocks... Ö

    2. Here is a video where a man is explaning that he's addicted to smell chewed gum... It's a bit disagreeable!


  2. Hello Javi! Hello class!

    Ex. 1| She spends 2 pounds a day buying rocks.

    Ex. 2| I found in Google a very curious addiction, the addiction to eat poo (as we vulgarly say, shit).

    There's nothing as nauseating as these addictions. When I saw the girl eating tobbaco ashes... OMG AAAAAAAAARG. I wonder why all these strange addicitions are set in the USA... A bit weird, don't you think?

    Bye class! Bye Javi!
