martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015

My Oedipus Complex Vocabulary

 1. Alleged: Accused guilty, put not proven

2. Amiable: To have a friendly and pleasant manner

3. Cajoled: to persuade by flattering or promising

5. Convicted: To prove guilty

6. Curios: A small, rare, interesting object

7. Demonstrative: Openly and freely show your feelings and emotions

8. Divert: To change from one direction to another

9. Guffaw: A loud burst of laughter

10. Gush: To flow out in large amounts

11. Incredulous: Not able to believe something

12. Indignity: An insult to one's pride

13. Intercession: To help settle argument between 2 people

14. Notion: A belief about something

15. Placid: Not moving much

16. Pretense: An act that looks real but is fake

17. Pummel: To beat with fists

18. Regiment: An army unit made up of several large groups of soldiers

19. Rummage: Big and Long Investigation

20. Scheme: A clever plan to do something

21. Sinister: Evil in appearance

22. Skirmishes: Brief fight during a war

23. Snivel: To cry in an annoying way

24. Terrace: A flat area next to a house

25. Vexed: Difficult to deal with

26. Wrenching: Sudden and violent pull or twist

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

What’s your Ethical style?

Please copy this quiz in your notebook and answer the following questions:
1.- Which is worse?
a)   hurting someone's feelings by telling the truth
b)     telling a lie and protecting their feelings

2.   Which is the worst mistake?
a)   to make exceptions too freely
b)     to apply rules too rigidly
3.   Which is it worse to be?
a)      unmerciful
b)      unfair
4.   Which is worse?
a)   stealing something valuable from someone for no good reason
b)     breaking a promise to a friend for no good reason

5.   Which is it better to be?
a)   just and fair
b)     sympathetic and feeling

 6.        Which is worse?
a)   not helping someone in trouble
b)     being unfair to someone by playing favorites

7.        In making a decision you rely more on
a)     hard facts
b)     personal feelings and intuition

8.   Your boss orders you to do something that will hurt someone. If you carry out the order, have you actually done anything wrong?
a)      Yes
b)      No
9.   Which is more important in determining whether an action is right or wrong?
a)   whether anyone actually gets hurt
b)   whether a rule, law, commandment, or moral principle is broken

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Choices and Values: Value Characteristics

Write the characteristic that corresponds to the numbers you selected on the checklist:

3, 40
Honesty, Integrity
7, 30
Emotional well-being, Stability
Artistic appreciation
2, 10
Education, Intelligence, Wisdom
11, 37, 18
(Altruism) Compassion, Fairness, Justice
1, 12, 34
Appearance, Beauty, Approval
6, 13, 31, 39
Love, Friendship, Personal closeness
14, 38
Health, Personal safety, Security
15, 36
Religion, Spirituality
16, 22, 32, 33
Family, Love, Emotional security
9, 17, 21, 27
Fulfillment, Intellectual and Vocational achievement
Personal freedom, Independence
20, 26, 28
Financial security, Money, Status
23, 24
Pleasure, Travel, Material satisfaction
4, 25
Power, Achievement